Founded in 1917, Lions Clubs International has nearly 1.4 million members in 45,502 clubs in 190 countries around the world. Clubs participate in service activities emphasizing sight, hearing, diabetes awareness and mental/physical impairments. The mission of Lions Club International is “To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation.
Helen Keller’s challenge to Lions International in 1925 was to become “Knights of the Blind in the crusade against darkness.” Since that time service to the blind and the visually impaired has become one of the association’s most significant activities. That crusade has resulted in the establishment of SIGHT FIRST, a global blindness prevention program.
To the Lions, “We Serve” is not just a motto, it is a philosophy that helps to foster a spirit of understanding among the people of the world.
Click HERE to go to their website.
You can also visit the LOCAL (District 5M5) or the REGIONAL (Multiple District 5M – Minnesota, Manitoba & Northwestern Ontario) organization.